New issues with the MMU

Posted on Sat 03 August 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with mmu, pcb

I had thought the MMU was pretty solid, since I gave it a good test after its v1.1 rework, and didn't find any issues. In testing the control unit, though, I've noticed some weirdness. Mapping addresses didn't work consistently. More often than not, about half the bits were incorrect …

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Debugging the MMU

Posted on Wed 19 May 2021 in MUPS16 • Tagged with memory, mmu, pcb


I don't really have time to write this up properly, so these are just some notes from debugging the MMU as I go along.

  • left-hand A bus connection is misplaced by X mm (too far right)
  • set_tbl_index works
  • set_tbl_entry mostly works? Seems to set the physical page correctly …

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MMU board soldered, and debugged

Posted on Tue 01 September 2020 in MUPS16 • Tagged with memory, mmu, pcbs

I finally put together the MMU, the fourth of the seven PCBs that arrived in my August batch. A couple of things were obvious right off the bat: 1. I'd somehow screwed up the silkscreening, and all the text labels for the current MMU mode on the left of the …

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