New issues with the MMU

Posted on Sat 03 August 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with mmu, pcb

I had thought the MMU was pretty solid, since I gave it a good test after its v1.1 rework, and didn't find any issues. In testing the control unit, though, I've noticed some weirdness. Mapping addresses didn't work consistently. More often than not, about half the bits were incorrect …

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Debugging the ALU v 1.1

Posted on Wed 31 July 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with alu, pcb


  • low-temperature solder paste does not flow nearly as well as original version. Maybe because it's not thermally stable, and I'm not storing it at a constant temperature?

  • short between VCC and GND after assembly and soldering. Removed 48 of 60 capacitors before finding the culprit on the 49th.

  • bug …

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Version 1.1 of the μcode address generator

Posted on Fri 19 July 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with control, pcb

Since the first version of the μcode address generator had a few issues, I re-worked it to fix them, and while I was at it I let a bit of feature-creep happen. The 1.1 revision of the board has quite a lot more functionality than the 1.0 one …

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Testing the PC and immediate unit

Posted on Sun 12 May 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with control, pcb

I combined the PC and immediate units into one board since the immediate unit has three outputs (data, B bus, and PC), and combining the imm and PC units onto one board saved 16 lines on the backplane for the imm->PC connection. Techincally, there's a LUI 'unit' here too …

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Testing the μcode address generator

Posted on Mon 06 May 2024 in MUPS16 • Tagged with control, pcb

It's been almost 18 months since I had any time to work on this (life got in the way), but I've started assembling and testing the last batch of boards I designed, and working on the next lot.

The μcode address generator was the simplest piece of the control unit …

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First Control Boards Ordered

Posted on Mon 19 September 2022 in MUPS16 • Tagged with control, pcb

I finally decided to stop tweaking the design of the pieces of the control unit that have been mostly complete for almost a year now, and just send them to be manufactured. There are four new boards here:

  • a new lower backplane
  • a new tester board to allow an Arduino …

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Memory board rev 1.1

Posted on Mon 05 July 2021 in MUPS16 • Tagged with memory, pcb

I finally got a bit of time to fix the bugs in the memory and MMU boards, and to solder up the memory board (waiting for some chips for the MMU still).

The rev 1.1 design of the memory board is alomst the same as the 1.0, except …

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Debugging the MMU

Posted on Wed 19 May 2021 in MUPS16 • Tagged with memory, mmu, pcb


I don't really have time to write this up properly, so these are just some notes from debugging the MMU as I go along.

  • left-hand A bus connection is misplaced by X mm (too far right)
  • set_tbl_index works
  • set_tbl_entry mostly works? Seems to set the physical page correctly …

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Reset board PCBs arrived!

Posted on Tue 18 August 2020 in MUPS16 • Tagged with memory, reset, pcb

A big batch of PCBs arrived last week from China (7 different boards!), and I decided to have a go at the reset board first. This is a straightforward conversion of my breadboard prototype, so I thought it would be quick and easy to assemble and test, and I could …

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ALU PCB assembled, finally

Posted on Sat 11 April 2020 in MUPS16 • Tagged with alu, pcb

I finally got time to assemble the ALU PCB, after having been away for 6 weeks, waiting for components to arrive, then dealing with the start of the lockdown.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the result. I had a few problems:

  • I ordered the wrong size of component for all …

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Converted ALU from breadboard to PCB

Posted on Sun 29 December 2019 in MUPS16 • Tagged with alu, pcb

The ALU PCB design is finished, finally. It's similar in design to the breadboard implementation, but with a few changes:

  • a full shifter in place of the fixed right-shift-by-one element on the breadboard
  • support for addc and subb instructions, in case I want to add them later
  • no dedicated zero …

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First life on the register boards

Posted on Wed 11 December 2019 in MUPS16 • Tagged with registers, pcb

The register board is way more complicated than my first PCB, so I'm a little reluctant to solder everything on it until I'm given it a bit of testing, so I just assembled the control logic and two of the 13 non-zero registers. And it works! I'm very pleased and …

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Register boards arrived

Posted on Sat 23 November 2019 in MUPS16 • Tagged with registers, pcb

My register boards arrived from JLPCB! Overall, pretty happy with them, but the quality is definitely lower than PCBWay. Three of the five boards have defects in the solder mask (none of which look fatal, though the bare copper you can see in the second photo above might be a …

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